We all love our four wheeled modes of transportation, so why not learn some fun facts about them? Here we go starting with....
- The average person will spend two weeks of their life waiting at a red light. (Depressing, we know)
- Best selling car of all time is the Toyota Corolla with over 30 MILLION sales.
- A total of 19 people fit themselves in a Smart Car! Never underestimate the power of the Smart Car.
- 16% of people NEVER wash their car.
- Car airbags kill one person to every 22 they save.
- Only in America would more people be killed crossing the sidewalks than illegally Jaywalking.
- National Insurance Crime Bureau estimates that 21% of car owners don't lock their doors. That might have something to do with 1 in every 170 cars being stolen every year.
- Over the course of a lifetime, the average driver will curse about 32,000 times while driving. You potty mouths!
- William Morrison built the first electric car in 1891. However, once Henry Ford introduced the Model T in 1908 the electric car fell out of favor.
- Last but definitely not the least in any means...

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