Weekend Warriors, Athletes & Adrenaline Junkies Vehicles
From the Weekend Warriors & Student Athletes to the Vacationers & Mountain men, finding a car that fits them as well as their gear is a common problem. Basketball, Football, Winter Sports, Summer Sports, hiking, camping or finding their sport in their car.... here's a list for your needs.
Adrenaline Junkies = Chevrolet Corvette

Corvettes have been amazing sports cars for as long as I, or anyone else, can remember. For the past 5 years, regardless of the model, you should be able to get to 0-60 mph around 4 seconds or below. That's fast enough to smack a smile on anybodies face. The great thing is that the Corvette isn't made for only the 5'5" and under club. There's an surprising amount of room available, and this means you can throw your practice shoes, jerseys and equipment beside you without worrying about being cramped.
PRO: You're grinning 75% of the time due to speed and comfort of the ride, unbelievable.
CON: You're crying 25% because you don't know how to slow down. Resulting in more speeding tickets in the past week than in the last decade.
Weekend Warrior = Nissan Altima 2007-2012

As much as you would enjoy a Corvette.... you're a family man. A husband, father, provider, protector & overall, Mr. Incredible for your family. That is until the weekend comes. Then you turn into a beast full of testosterone ready to take on anyone on the basketball court Saturday morning. You need something roomy, manly and practical for your life and the Nissan Altima couldn't be a better fit. Weekday travels aren't a pain with a GIANT amount of space for the driver in this sedan, MPG isn't a bother and its quite stylish for an economy sedan. Give it a test drive, you might be surprised.
PRO: It's safe, reliable, a little sporty, and does everything you need a sedan to do for your daily life.
CON: It's not a Corvette.
Man Up, Son = Dodge Ram HD MEGACAB

You don't have little man syndrome, and you're definitely not little. You're just a big man tired of fitting into these delicate cars that were meant for people half your size. Introducing the "Man-mobile", a vehicle that John Wayne would endorse and Yao Ming would look normal in. The Ram MEGACAB demands attention and space inside and out.
PRO: The one place a giant can feel normal. Totally worth picking out hybrids out of your grill every 10 miles.
CON: You're going to have to find a way how to shove those hybrids into your gas tank to avoid bankruptcy.
ODDBALL = Nissan Cube

Lets just say you're....
different. Traditional, modern, normal or shy are not words you would say to describe yourself. You're YOU, and you embrace it. Since you don't plan on fitting in anyway you might as well go for something intriguing. It doesn't get much better than that when you're in the box/Nissan Cube. Plenty of head room, leg room, party room or any other "room" you could think of doing with your sense of funky styling.
PRO: Going against the current isn't to bad with 30 mpg while making a statement at the same time.
CON: Expect a 30% decrease in your social life.
Mr. Do-It-All = Mitsubishi Outlander
Hiking, mountain biking, snowboarding, kayaking, skiing, white water rafting, bungee jumping, soccer, and surfing... all before lunch. You need a vehicle to keep up with your adventurous lifestyle while still providing extras, add-ons, options and equipment to host all your activities. Oh ya, and you want to look good doing it. Well here is your soul-mate, the Mitsubishi Outlander. Whether you're the new soccer coach and throwing 20 balls in the back or if you're strapping on the mountain bike on top for a weekend adventure, the Outlander is here for you.
PRO: A faithful companion in life you can share everything with, and it won't break your heart.
CON: There are none.